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Relax and unwind at Novotel Sydney Darling Harbour


Join today and save 5% on your accommodation

Join Accor Live Limitless today and start experiencing the benefits instantly. Earn points with every stay at Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbour and you'll get closer to a higher status with enhanced benefits. 

A lifestyle loyaly program that goes beyond hotels and offers. We truly offer spectacular experiences and reward when you live, work and play. Whether you are at home or away.

It's now even easier to earn points, especially now that Accor Live Limitless members can earn up to 5%* off on accommodation (conditions apply). It's as easy as a complimentary sign up to ALL.

Once you join you can instantly go ahead and book your accommodation with a 5% discount (ongoing)


terms & conditions
  • 5% discount is subject to availability and may not be available on special events days and/or public holidays 
  • You must join Accor Live Limitless before you are able to take advantage of the 5% off. Join here